Ways to Make Money From Photography

Ways to Make Money From Photography

Photography is a beautiful form of art for those who take the time to create stunning images. You may wonder to yourself if you could ever get paid to take photos. With the right skill set, anyone can make money from their own images. There are simple ways to make...
Tips For Flower Photography

Tips For Flower Photography

Flowers are one of the most beautiful pieces of nature. They are vibrant, playful, and bring life wherever they are. Photos of flowers can be just as beautiful as the plants themselves. Here are some quick tips about shooting flowers and some of my own personal flower...
Film Vs. Digital Photography

Film Vs. Digital Photography

Digital photography has definitely taken over the current market of cameras but photographers may still choose to work with film. The debate between whether film or digital is the better medium to use when taking photos is up to the person behind the camera. You may...
How to Take a Self-Portrait

How to Take a Self-Portrait

Typically when you’re a photographer you’re behind the camera, unless you’re also the subject that is. Taking a self-portrait can be time-consuming. Not only are you the subject, but you’re also the photographer so running back and forth between those positions isn’t...