Understanding Flash Photography

Understanding Flash Photography

Flash photography was created to eliminate the problem of not having enough light to take a clear photograph. A flash of light can not only illuminate a dark environment but can also help in taking an image of a fast-moving subject or changing the mood of a photo....
Ways to Make Money From Photography

Ways to Make Money From Photography

Photography is a beautiful form of art for those who take the time to create stunning images. You may wonder to yourself if you could ever get paid to take photos. With the right skill set, anyone can make money from their own images. There are simple ways to make...
Tips For Flower Photography

Tips For Flower Photography

Flowers are one of the most beautiful pieces of nature. They are vibrant, playful, and bring life wherever they are. Photos of flowers can be just as beautiful as the plants themselves. Here are some quick tips about shooting flowers and some of my own personal flower...
How to Get An Instagram Following From Your Photography

How to Get An Instagram Following From Your Photography

In the age of social media, everyone with an Instagram account seems to be getting notoriety from their images. This is making it harder for actual photographers to stick out from the rest. Creating beautiful content is the easy part but getting it seen by users is an...
Portrait Photography 101: Tips for Finding the Magic

Portrait Photography 101: Tips for Finding the Magic

A good portrait is, of course, all about the subject. Your main job as photographer is both to make your subject look and feel amazing, and to capture something unique about that person, so that when their family and friends (those that know them best) look at the...